Our inspirations

Fruity pops

  • Must-haves
  • For kids

INGREDIENTS (makes 20 lollipops)

Mix 41 g of sugar, 1 tablespoon of water and 10 g of glucose powder in a saucepan and heat at a low temperature until the mixture reaches 140°C.
Now add a teaspoon of one of the Teisseire syrups and mix well.
Insert lollipop sticks into your lollipop mould then pour the mixture over.

Leave the lollipops to harden at room temperature (around 10 minutes).
Repeat with the other Teisseire syrups.

You have infinite possibilities at your fingertips—create your own lollipops with your favourite Teisseire syrup!

To vary you can replace the peach syrup with a Teisseire grenadine syrup.
For a lighter version it is also possible to replace the peach syrup with a Teisseire sugar free Raspberry Cranberry syrup or sugar free strawberry and raspberry syrup.

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